A motor vehicle accident can leave you with significant injuries, off work, stressed, and unable to care for your loved ones. For some, even a minor fender bender can have drastic, life-altering effects on you and those around you. If you are injured in a motor vehicle accident, whether your fault or someone else's, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries, lost income, rehabilitation, and other out of pocket expenses. You can claim Accident Benefits through your auto insurer, and you can sue the other driver for negligence if you are not at fault. 

Entitlement to Accident Benefits

Car Accident

After a severe accident, it is essential to seek the appropriate medical attention and have your injuries assessed. After that, you should apply for Accident Benefits through your auto insurance. Accident Benefits are no-fault benefits that you are entitled to regardless of the reason for the accident. Accident Benefits can pay for medical treatment, rehabilitation, expenses, and can supply an income replacement benefit or weekly benefit of up to $400 per week. You have 30 days from receipt of the application forms to submit your application and claim Accident Benefits. Even if you do not have insurance yourself, you may still be able to apply for Accident Benefits through a dependant, the driver of your vehicle, or even the other driver's insurance. 

car accident lawyer

What Is A Tort?

If someone else is at-fault (even partially responsible) for the accident, you may be able to sue the at-fault party in court for their negligence. Going to court is meant to bring you back to the position you would have been in had you not been involved in the accident at all. It is both meant to compensate you for your losses and make the at-fault party responsible. Although if you have a significant injury, it is impossible to make you whole; you can be compensated financially for your losses. You can receive compensation for your pain and suffering, lost income or wages, loss of competitive advantage, medical expenses, rehabilitation, housekeeping, caregiving, outside assistance, and other out of pocket expenses. An innocent party generally has two years to sue for negligence.

Why you need a personal injury lawyer

After an accident, if you have been injured, it can be confusing to decide what to do next. Especially if you have experienced a significant injury, life can be forever changed, and it can be difficult responding to the new challenges that face you. While most people don't have experience dealing with the difficulty of a severe injury, trust a personal injury lawyer at Kleinman Law to be on your side and assist you through the challenges that face you. We can explain your rights and guide you through the process of what to do next. If you were injured in a motor vehicle, choose the right personal injury lawyer who is available for you, has the smarts, and determination to get you the maximum possible compensation in a time-span that works for you and help you in your recovery. Call Kleinman Law for a free case assessment and get the legal representation you deserve.